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None Dare Call It Conspiracy – Part II By Suzanne Roberts

Conspiracy Theory – a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators

Fact -     1a : something that has actual existence

//space exploration is now a fact

b : an actual occurrence

//prove the fact of damage

2 : a piece of information presented as having objective reality

//These are the hard facts of the case.

Conspiracy Fact - a fact that explains an event or set of circumstances that have occurred likely as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators, the motive(s) not necessarily known due to subterfuge on part of the conspirators.  (Term not found on any dictionary websites) definition by Suzanne Roberts, August 11, 2019.

I have spent the past week reading two very interesting books.  The first None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen (1971) and the second Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper (1991).  What’s very interesting about these two books is the perspective of 48 and 28 years of hindsight, respectively.  It’s given me new insights on the concept of Conspiracy Theory.  Some of the things these men discuss have come to pass, some not and some still seem very likely.  What really got me thinking is the idea that quite a lot of what is claimed as “conspiracy theory” today is in fact “conspiracy fact” or just plain “fact”.  The label of “conspiracy theory” is just one of many tools of subterfuge the Powers That Should Not Be (PTSNB) use to try to steer people off the path of things they don’t want investigated.  We need to educate ourselves on these tactics so we can recognize them for what they are and not “throw the baby (facts) out with the bath water (conspiracy theory).”  Some of the tools of their subterfuge include:

·         Mockery, shaming, attacking, dismissing, trolling of the person speaking about factual truth – Set the populace against each other by making it seem the intelligent majority/authority knows what you are saying is false and you’re just naïve or have been led astray by a bad person.  “Really you should know better than to believe that”, “how naïve are you”, or my personal favorite “You can’t believe everything you read.”  None of these dismissals take into account any facts, research, observations, studies, etc. the person may have in support of their statements.  Their ideas are just dismissed out of hand because they don’t align with the official narrative.  And because life has trained people to follow authority the people tend to carry on the narrative.

·         “That study has been debunked” – Peer reviewed industry journals will publish or pre-publish (online) a paper on a study.  “Someone” somewhere with an interest in that study not getting out will call the editor and suddenly the “peer reviewed” study is retracted (debunked), withdrawn or not fully published in print.  The reasons for the retraction do not hold up when discussed, but the end remains the same, the original valid study results are withdrawn.  So who would have that sort of power?  The person or group that funds (directly or indirectly through advertising) the journal perhaps?  This type of behavior occurs on a regular basis.   Take a look at this video as a very current example of the “debunking” of solid science. Del interviews three scientists whose expertise is in Aluminum.  All three are incredible interviews.  To see just the debunking story start around minute 5.  There are literally thousands of qualified scientists out there with studies that contradict the official narrative.  Why are none of these people allowed to be heard?   Perhaps safety and truth are not the real agendas.

·         Threaten reputations and/or withhold grant funds– Science operates on funding.  Funding comes from Grants.  Who has the money?  The industry and the government.  So if you’re the one paying for a grant, you’re likely to want to ensure you get the desired results.  If the actual results show damage to your product or industry would you let them be published?  It’s easy enough to stop the publishing of detrimental studies by threatening the scientists with loss of funding (first line of attack which seems to be pretty effective) and then damage to reputation if the funding threat is insufficient.  Anymore, a scientist with a damaged reputation has become a badge of honor in truth seeking circles.  We need more of them.   But, in light of this, think about what it means when the industry says “there are no studies to support …” See the above video for one scientist’s explanation of this behavior.

·         Disallow the opposing information from the mainstream media.  Who owns the mainstream media?  At last study it was six major corporations.  Who owns them?  Can we be assured of unbiased, comprehensive, accurate information if it all filters through six mega-corps?  We aren’t even allowed free speech on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter (due to ever increasing censorship of speech that contradicts the official narrative) and that content comes from billions of people around the world.  How can we expect fair and balanced information from a handful of controllers?  Will you see an anti-vaccine story on a newscast where 70% of the advertising profits come from Big Pharma? Not seeing a fairly reported controversial story in the paper or the broadcast is actually more of a sign that the story has something truthful that the PTSNB desire to remain hidden.

·         The science is settled – The fact that anyone anywhere can ever say this with a straight face and expect anyone to believe it is mind-boggling.  Science is never, ever, ever settled.  Our perspectives change, our measuring tools get more precise and people stumble into interesting and unexpected results.  While some science may settle down into a provable, repeatable pattern that can be counted on, nature is ever changing and as such, NO SCIENCE IS EVER SETTLED. Especially science where there’s a loud controversy raging or massive unanswered questions.  If there are still issues, there’s still room for answers, the more issues, the more room for answers, where there’s smoke there’s fire. Immediately suspect anyone trying to sell you that line.  It is pure propaganda.

The above are just a sampling of the many tools of subterfuge used by Industry, Government and everyday people to put you off the track of something desired to be kept hidden.  Awareness of these tricks is essential to discerning truth.

So let’s look at a case study of Conspiracy Theory, Fact and Conspiracy Fact.  I’m going to pick a subject which I have been studying in depth since 2004 and upon which I have the most comprehensive knowledge and references.  It’s also a subject of mass “controversy” and hysteria in the news today, vaccines and the “threat” of infectious diseases.

The Official Narrative (from numerous media sources): “Vaccines are safe and effective”, “Vaccines are the greatest Public Health accomplishment of the 20th century” and “measles kill”.

So let’s break this down. 

Fact:  The vaccine inserts themselves tell a wildly different story about the safety of the product.   All of the items the “theorists” are saying the vaccines cause (i.e. Encephalitis, encephalopathy (precursor to autism), seizures, SIDS, Autoimmune diseases, gastrointestinal disease, death) are all listed right there on the 40+ page, 2 pt font vaccine inserts (fortunately the ones available on the link above are in a readable format unlike the ones that come with the vial).  Why no one believes what the Pharmaceutical companies themselves state as fact is beyond comprehension.  They state it right there.  The next argument to come in is, “Oh but those are rare events.”  Ok, so let’s look at the increase in these events in relation to the increase of the vaccination schedule.  Per the CDC data in the 1970’s our children had a rate of 12% chronic illness, today it’s 54%.  In the 1960’s children had 5 total doses of vaccines.  In 1983 it was 24 and 2017 it was 69, 2018 it was 72.  Causation has already been determined by their own inserts.  The correlation is validated.  The next argument is that “vaccines are not the only thing causing these issues”.  Ok, so where are the in-depth safety studies to prove something else must be causing the huge uptick in illness.  I actually agree vaccines are not the sole culprit, but their contribution is significant.  Our government agencies already have the data available to do these types of data studies but they refuse to do them.  They also refuse to let anyone else do them.  If vaccines are so safe, why not just do the study, prove it and shut up the anti-vaccine group?  Because they know the study will prove what we’ve been saying all along.

Fact: Infectious disease in the U.S. had been on a steady decline for decades (due in large part to improvements in public sanitation, water and nutrition) and mortality was nearing 0 for many diseases when the vaccines were introduced.  Don’t let Polio fool you.  You were not told the truth.  The “measles kill” argument is misleading.  Measles will kill a child when another opportunistic disease would kill a child perhaps because the child is immunocompromised, mal-nourished, is living in unsanitary conditions or is drinking unclean water.  Measles, in and of itself, is not a killer.  See “Dissolving Illusions” by Dr. Suzanne Humphries for the full history of infectious disease and vaccine programs.  Diseases declined before vaccines were introduced - Learn The Risk

Fact: In the mid-1980’s, the vaccine manufacturer’s came to Congress asking for legal immunity for their product.  Up to that point vaccines were more of a community service product rather than a profit-center product.  Annual vaccine sales in the early 1980’s were about $250 Million per year.  The manufacturers were having massive lawsuits over vaccine injury and death and told Congress they were going broke and were going to stop making the product unless the Federal Government granted them immunity.  The Government did and now the makers have a cash cow to the tune of nearly $60 Billion (with a B) per year in sales, while the Federal government has paid out over $4.2B in injury and death cases to the small fraction of families able to run the gauntlet of “vaccine court.”

Fact:  The lack of a properly performed safety study does NOT prove a product is safe.  It does not even imply the product is safe. It states clearly the study has NOT been done.  Why won’t they do the safety studies?  Is it perhaps because they know they can’t get the desired results?  If you watched the video link above, you’ll see the scientists are chomping at the bit to get started on these types of studies, but there’s no funding, this from an industry that makes BILLIONS of dollars of profit and claims safety as a priority.  Even the initial testing of the vaccine itself is NOT subject to a double blind INERT placebo based study.  Instead of a saline placebo they use the adjuvant base (Aluminum and a host of other nasty ingredients) against the adjuvant plus the main ingredient (i.e. polio virus).  Then they monitor the test subjects for about four days.  Four days.  If the child dies on the fifth day, it doesn’t get attributed to the vaccine.  This is not science, it is fraud.

Conspiracy Fact:  Due to the profitable nature of vaccines for big Pharma, they are now actively pushing vaccine mandates in all 50 states.  The Congress People who initiate these mandate laws tend to have massive donations from big Pharma and a cadre of Pharma lobbyists by their side to push their agenda. The testimonies of thousands of California parents in protest of the latest draconian law that would, effectively, eliminate Medical Exemptions for their children, have fallen on the mostly deaf ears of Pharma lobbied and Pharma supported Congress People of California.  0.9% of California school age children have a medical exemption but that’s just too many for our Congress.  They are willing to spend $50 Million annually of California tax dollars to reduce that number.  That fact is that the Congress People are abdicating their oath of office to protect the people of California and use fiscal responsibility.  The fact is that the Congress People take large donations from Big Pharma.  The Conspiracy part is that they play deaf in order to maintain their cash flow and their party standing.  Difficult to prove in fact, but a pretty neat path laid out to that conclusion.

Conspiracy Theory:  Why the massive push to vaccinate every man, woman and child (yes adult mandates are coming in 2020)?  We have mountains of evidence that show vaccines cause injury and death.  More injury and death than the illness they purport to prevent.  Why are rational people not stopping this?  We saw the same sort of science, lobbying, posturing and manipulation when Big Tobacco was on the stage.  The big difference between Vaccines and Tobacco is no one mandated tobacco use.  You had a choice if you wanted to poison yourself or not.  You had a choice to observe the results of lifelong smokers and chewers and decide if you want to partake.  When vaccines are mandated, YOU HAVE NO CHOICE.  At the pace we are headed, we will all be receiving forced shots at the end of a gun barrel.  I’m sure that statement just lost some of you, but who would think our children would not be allowed into public school for lack of a chicken pox vaccine, a mild childhood illness.  They are also denied access to education for lack of a Hepatitis B shot, a disease communicated through sex and needle sharing.  Not a highly contagious disease which is the foundational principle for the mandating vaccines.  On a side note, a Hep B positive student is allowed to attend public school.  Conspiracies abound as to why the behaviors of what should be rational, educated people are so off the mark.  The truth is out there and many theories should be considered.  In “Behold A Pale Horse” there is evidence (putting it more in the fact category) that the AIDs virus was disseminated into select populations via the Hep B vaccine to test a population control theory.  One main theory for vaccines is population control, either by causing death or causing infertility.  The HPV vaccine alone is certainly causing both in our teenagers and young adults here in America and huge numbers of young people in Africa (again the results are fact, only the motive remains theory).  Other theories include the ability to inject microchips at will into people for mind control.  We do know these vaccines contain mass numbers of nanoparticles, how do we know what these nanoparticles do?

So there’s a brief outline of how Conspiracy Theory and Fact can be all entangled.  The Facts get caught up in the Motives and while the Motives are often Theory the Facts are maligned along with them.  If we use discernment and skill in separating the many facts from the theories and the motives we can go a long way to determining what to believe in, we can see truth where it’s available and make the best choices for ourselves and our children. 

Educate yourself as if your life depends on it.  It does.

Jacquie Figg