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Demockery in Action? By Suzanne Roberts

“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.  What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly:  it is dearness only that gives everything its value.  Heaven knows how to put a proper price on its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”          – Thomas Paine

“No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and virtue is preserved.  On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.”           – Samuel Adams

“No society can exist unless the laws are respected to a certain degree.  The safest way to make laws respected is to make them respectable.”                   - Frederic Bastiat

For months now, thousands of California parents and grandparents have been in a battle with the California state legislature over several very draconian laws being pushed through the “system”.  And what a system it is.  I’ve now seen the beast up close and it isn’t pretty.  Vile and disgusting are adjectives that are too soft for what I’ve seen these past few weeks.  This legislation being “passed” into law is nothing short of a full evisceration of our rights as humans.  The WAY the legislation was “passed” was a mockery of our legislative system and a mockery of democracy.  It was… Demockery in Action.

The legislation itself is not as important as the facts that surround the passing of these laws.  Our California legislators:

-          SUSPENDED RULES OF LAW repeatedly in order to quickly and with minimal public input pass through two laws that were very highly protested.  Thousands of parents, grandparents and children protested day after day, week after week.  They were educated, informed and polite.  They brought scientific facts and studies and data that without any doubt proved their points.  They brought their hearts, their souls, their children and their stories.

-          IGNORED their constituents

-          MOCKED their constituents and in some cases MOCKED the stories of their sick and dead children

-          In some cases, called for the protestors to be ARRESTED

These families, literally, filled the halls and chambers of our Capital building.  I was there.  I saw it. I participated.  I too was ignored.

For anyone who thinks our “government” is a government of the people, by the people and for the people, you’ve never been on the opposite side of the Globalist Agenda legislature.  NOTHING was going to stop these laws from being passed.  It was commanded from on high and the minions obeyed.  The Democrats were tasked with this particular agenda and the vote was totally along party lines, right down to the Democratic governor signing it into law within minutes of it passing through the chambers.  This is not to say the Republicans are innocent in the globalist agenda.  This issue just wasn’t theirs to work on.  The Republicans have been tasked with other agendas to push (as seen by our White House edicts). 

When the governor initially hesitated to sign the first bill into law, the senator involved did a “gut and amend” on a different bill to address the governor’s issues as a trailer.  Gut and amend is a term I’ve heard bandied about on the news, but never really saw in action until this last week.  Basically, you take a bill that’s not going anywhere (but has already been through committee), and gut it.  Literally nothing of substance is left of the original bill, not even the author.  Then you add (amend) your new legislation and pass it through voting as if just a few little items changed.  But wait, you might say, don’t we have checks and balances against these antics?  Well, I thought we did, but if they exist, they clearly failed.  The speed with which this second bill was passed and signed into law (written Friday, signed Monday) is staggering.  Don’t we always hear how the wheels of Law (and Justice) turn slowly?  Well that’s only when the issues at hand are NOT part of the globalist agenda.  When the agenda is at hand, things move quickly, facts don’t matter, reason does not apply and the system shows its true colors.

The whole governance system is a rigged game.  Every step of the way is set up for complexity, obfuscation, uncertainty and interpretation.   Truth thrives in the Light of Day.  Governance only survives under the cover of Darkness and Deception.  We feel like we have to participate in this sham called government because if we don’t the “worse” candidate will win and my issues will not be addressed.  But honestly, when has any administration ever improved, for the long term, the Freedoms, living conditions and future outlooks of their constituents?  None of them represent true freedom and the best interests of the people, because the best interests of the people are in direct conflict with their entire modus operandi.  They make laws that create less freedom; We The People must now ACT to RECLAIM our Freedom.  Yes, it has been lost.

We’ve all heard rumors about the Illuminati, Masons, Templars, Black Nobility, Globalists, etc.  The labels are numerous, the rumors wild and the facts provable.  There are massive amounts of evidence that these power structures exist and run all things Government, Judicial, Education, Military, Law Enforcement, and more.  As always, this is not to say everyone in those institutions are corrupt.  In fact the rank and file of those institutions, more than not, honestly believe they are doing the right thing.  But the power structure will never allow it.  They rig the game to appear inept.  They hide behind bureaucracy, incompetence, corruption and other such things to lull us into thinking the system will work if we can just run that gauntlet and play by the rules.  Wrong.  The system is actually highly efficient.  It works perfectly.  Just the way it was designed.  It’s just that the true goals of the system are NOT the publically stated goals.  The true goals are to serve the globalists NOT the people.  The systems are efficient at keeping the masses distracted by the minutiae while the real agenda moves right along at a brisk pace.

What will it take for us to collectively awaken and see the game for what it is?  We’re playing preschool checkers while they are PhD’s in Chess.  It’s no contest.   They know occulted (hidden) knowledge we’ve rarely if ever been exposed to.  Why don’t our schools teach us this? It’s because the education system is controlled by the Dark Occult globalists who gain from our ignorance.  But all is not lost.  This is the Age of the Internet.  Anyone can educate themselves anytime and anywhere.  It only takes initiative and willpower.   Download podcasts on your phone and listen while you exercise, while you drive, while you grocery shop, vacuum, dust, mop or garden.  I am speaking from experience.  I listen to hours of education everyday by making efficient use of my time.  Knowledge is power and freedom.  Ignorance is slavery.  Freedom is not free, it takes effort and action.

We cannot beat these Globalists at their game if all we know is checkers.  We need to get from preschool to PhD the same way they did.  One step at a time, one day at a time, one piece of knowledge at a time. 

We must learn to play Chess. 


1)      If you are ready to claim your Freedom and fight back the forces of Darkness that are rapidly overtaking this country and this world, start by listening to lectures on Natural Law at www.whatonearthishappening.comStart with podcast 1.  Each podcast builds on the one prior.  These podcasts can be listened to while doing everyday tasks.

2)      If you would like to know more but don’t feel that listening to podcasts is right for you, I am offering free seminars on Natural Law and the Globalist Agendas.  Please contact me to arrange a gathering.

3)      To see more about what happened in the state capital on Monday, please watch The Highwire for video footage and in depth analysis of the Demockery that took place.


Jacquie Figg