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None Dare Call It Conspiracy – Part I By Suzanne Roberts

 “The idea that socialism is a share-the-wealth program is strictly a confidence game to get the people to surrender their freedom to an all-powerful collectivist government. While the Insiders tell us we are building a paradise on earth, we are actually constructing a jail for ourselves.”  Gary Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy (1971).

The United States of America, founded as a constitutional republic, is heading straight for communism, via the socialism route, not quite 250 years later.  Our Founding Fathers are turning in their graves.  “How could the kids have gotten is so wrong,” they must be asking themselves.  “We left them everything they needed to succeed.  All they had to do was stick to the plan.  The plan we built for them with our blood, sweat and tears.  Not to mention our intellect, research and knowledge of history.”

What, indeed, went wrong? First of all you have to ask yourself, IS anything wrong?  Is this an America I am proud of?  An America I’m proud to claim as my own?  If your answer is yes, then please delete this email.  It’s probably not one you’ll want to continue reading.

Are you, like so many others, are asking yourself what has happened?  How did this once great country, land of the free and home of the brave, turn into a nation of enslaved, socialist, zombie cowards.  A nation of We the Sheeple instead of We the People.  Yes, harsh words and no they don’t apply to everyone...just most everyone.  I count myself in that enslaved, socialist, zombie coward category.  Well maybe not zombie, I’m far too aware for that one and not socialist as you’ll soon see.  But enslaved and cowardly...yes.  I’m actively working on both of those situations and this email is my grand attempt at bravery.  To boldly state, on the record, that America v.2019 sucks.  It sucks because the Powers That Should Not Be (PTSNB) have a grand conspiracy to convert us all over to a New World Order, A One World Government, a 1984 and a Brave New World.  Right now the focus is on America.  Until the PTSNB can fully overturn America’s foundation, they cannot succeed in their dark agenda.  The conspiracy against America started almost from the beginning and it’s just now hitting its high note.  They are so close.  And here’s some of the evidence:

·         The richest nation on the planet has a homeless problem to rival any other country.  People sleep in tents on concrete sidewalks in downtown cities.  How is this acceptable?  Before you go saying, it’s their “choice”, I have to call BS.  Yes there are rebels who love their freedom and embrace homelessness as a means to that freedom, but massive numbers of people didn’t just suddenly and voluntarily embrace freedom the hard way.  Homelessness was thrust upon them by skyrocketing rents, low paying jobs, massive epidemics of mental illness and many other reasons.

·         We are living in a police state.  Our local police forces are becoming militarized.  More and more it feels like Us vs Them.  Whatever happened to the Andy Griffith type peace officers?  Protect and serve? Now it’s more like harass and intimidate.  Why would I, a middle age, middle class, white female with no record fear the police?  Because anymore, they have mostly unchecked power and only their own moral compass to operate from.  I don’t like my odds having to depend on their moral compass.

·         Our “government” is a government of the corporations, by the corporations and for the corporations with the police and military as their security systems.  If you still think it’s anything else, try protesting a bill in Sacramento that Big Pharma is pushing through.  You’ll see very quickly that the thousands of people who show up, week after week, to speak are shutdown and absolutely meaningless to the ones with the power.  Or try having a free speech rally outside a G20 meeting… you can’t.  But this is America.

·         But you can still have your day in court, right?  Perhaps, but don’t count on it if you’re facing a corporate agenda or a government agency.

·         Speaking of government agency, how about those CPS stories coming in from all 50 states.  Children being taken from parents for no cause, held for years in foster care and then adopted out after parental rights were severed.  All for NO cause, no drugs, no abuse, no neglect.  Oh yeah, maybe there is a cause.  CPS makes money from the government for every child placed.  Extra if the child has medical issues or special needs.

·         Our medical system is revered as the top medical system in the world.  This is the system that is the 3rd leading cause of death in this country.  The one that produces the highest infant mortality rate of first world countries and many third world ones too.  The system that FORCES medical procedures on children against their will and the will of their parents.   That medical system?  The one that likes to medically kidnap children because the parents did not EXACTLY follow “Doctor’s orders.”  As if Doctor is always right and there’s only one way to do things, the AMA way.  Of course see the second sentence in this bullet point to understand why parents may not exactly rush to follow the doctor’s orders.  And let’s not talk about the opioid epidemic.  Big Pharma should all be arrested as drug dealers for putting those little highly addictive goodies out on the market.

·         America is the world’s bully.  How many countries have we invaded in the past 50 years?  How many have invaded us?  How many countries do we have bases in?  How many countries have bases here?  How many foreign borders are our ships floating off of maintain a “presence”, how many foreign ships are floating off our borders and what kind of hell would break loose if one dared?  Our forefathers died to stop the bully Britain (and other European countries) was, now we’ve turned into that very same bully.

This is just a small sampling of how the PTSNB have corrupted America.  However, I do believe we can save America from her imminent demise into communism via socialism as the Democratic candidates are well-demonstrating.  Now please don’t think I’m promoting the Republican agenda.  I’m no Republican either.  That party is merely the other side of the same coin controlled by those ever present PTSNB.  I am in fact a full-fledged Anarchist.  Not along the lines of Antifa which is the complete opposite of true Anarchy.  Antifa is simply thuggery and terrorism backed by corporate and university sponsors via their “Foundations.”  

True Anarchy means the absence of government with the simple knowledge that each person will be self-responsible and live within the parameters of Natural Law which simply means you don’t initiate harm to another, in any way, ever...  This is the non-aggression principle.  The other half of this principle is the self-defense principle.  The self-defense principle being that you defend yourself against tyranny, always.  When we all behave within these two principles, we will have Paradise on earth.  As it is going we are heading quickly towards Hell on earth.  While embracing Anarchy is merely a paper statement for me right now, I’m not yet willing to be thrown into a cage for daring to exist under my own responsibility; I am actively making strides toward that end.  To start, I’ve unregistered to vote.  No longer will any corrupt fool in office “represent” me.  Only I can represent me.

How many “conspiracies” are out there, everyday being “debunked” by the mainstream media and “authorities”?  Remember the old saying, where there’s smoke there’s fire?  If the smoke continues to smolder and smolder and smolder days, months, years after the event, what does that tell you?  When issues are fully exposed and all activities take place in the light of day, there’s nothing left to discuss.  But when everything is secret and done under cover of darkness and the blanket of “National Security” you know there’s plenty that’s being hidden.   Truth can stand the light of day, lies cannot.

And what is a conspiracy?  Why has that word become such a dismissal?  “Oh that’s just a conspiracy theory.”  Well you’re damn right.  It’s a massive conspiracy.  The theory part is just because we aren’t privy to all the details so we have to form educated theories based on the evidence, but that doesn’t make the conspiracy part any less true.  And for anyone interested there is a lifetime of information available in books, movies, videos and podcasts with mountains of evidence to show plenty of reason to suspect conspiracy.  For God’s sake all you have to do is look around and use your own senses to see that things JUST DON’T ADD UP.  What will it take for us all to wake up and say NO.  By the time you’re taken to FEMA camps, disarmed, relieved of all your property and broken, it will be too late.

We pretty much all know the government is completely ineffective.  What’s worse is they are beyond ineffective and they’re leading us directly into danger.  Do you know how many of the points on the Communist Manifesto have already been implemented in the good ole U.S of A?  I know it’s quite a few.  This is my research project for the next few weeks and a future blog will outline just how far down that path we’ve been taken, baby step by baby step so we don’t hardly feel it.

Yes, I will no longer take part in the political theatre of the absurd designed to allow the “peasants” to have their “say” while keeping us divided, fighting and distracted while they (the PTSNB) take everything from us.  No more.

As I said above, I do believe there is hope.  The Founding Fathers really did build an excellent foundation for freedom within the bounds of a Constitutional Republic.  While as an Anarchist I believe the absence government is the ultimate goal, but to go from here to there suddenly would likely kill the host (us).  So, we need to run back to 1776 and push reset on our game, the Great American Experiment.  Once we have the foundations of freedom firmly re-established then we can attempt to move closer to our ultimate goal of self-government and create a true Paradise here on Earth.

Here's to Paradise!

Jacquie Figg