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Do My Eyes Deceive Me? By Suzanne Roberts

Cognitive Dissonance - the mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information. The unease or tension that the conflict arouses in people is relieved by one of several defensive maneuvers: they reject, explain away, or avoid the new information; persuade themselves that no conflict really exists; reconcile the differences; or resort to any other defensive means of preserving stability or order in their conceptions of the world and of themselves. The concept was developed in the 1950s by American psychologist Leon Festinger and became a major point of discussion and research.   

-Encyclopaedia Brittanica 

I see it, I hear it, I may even experience it, yet I don’t believe it.  Cognitive Dissonance, where cause and effect meet belief and denial. 

Truth can be known.  Truth is the fact of everything that has happened in the past and up to now.  It can be known.  I’m not referring to purposely hidden truths, deceptions or politics, just everyday out in the open truths.  Yet, sometimes, we still choose not to believe the truth we see right in front of our eyes.  Why? 

I believe that may be the question for the Ages.  I remember the first time I heard about the book “He’s Just Not That Into You.”  It stated very simply, if a guy is interested in a girl, she will know it.  If not, he won’t be coming around.  It was so simple yet so profound.  The bottom line for me was “Actions” speak louder than “Words.”  Actions include the cause and effect results we can observe with our own senses.  So when we are surrounded by very clear cause and effect results, sometimes by things we witness first hand, why are we still choosing to not “see”. 

This is where belief and denial come into play.  We have our beliefs and we want our world to support those beliefs.  If our belief is that the government and governmental agencies are here for our well-being, then we will see the products of their efforts as supporting our well-being.  We want to believe the agencies so as to not have to research for ourselves the effects of pharmaceutical drugs, the dangers of pesticides or the claims of food safety.  We desire the safety and security of knowing our three-letter agencies are handling all that for us and are looking out for our best interests.  We deny any evidence that may point to a different reality.  After all our tax dollars are paying for the Agencies, we want to believe they work for us.  We want to believe our world will stay exactly as it is. 

So, if childhood chronic illness has risen from 12% in the 1970’s to over 50% in 2019, what are we to think about that?  Does that sound like the public health agencies have been doing their jobs properly?  Have our tax dollars been put to good use? Why do we accept this as OK?  If in our own jobs our error rate went from 12% to 50% I think we’d be quickly out of a job.   

What’s crazier is the excuses we hear from our agencies.  “We don’t know what causes autism.”  Really? After 30 years and millions and millions of research dollars.  Are our scientists really that incapable of finding causes for an illness that has exploded in the past 30 years?  We can put men on the moon, relay calls around the world in near real-time and grow embryo’s in a petri dish but we can’t track down a few causes of a massive, expensive, sometimes debilitating illness afflicting our children and staying with them into adulthood? 

Well, fortunately for us, some of our scientists are really, really smart.  They have found several causes of autism.  However, when they talk about these causes they are shut down by the very agencies and industries that are causing or covering up the problem.  And we the people believe the agencies over the “discredited” scientists and even our own eyes and our own experiences.  Why?  Because to believe the scientists would mean we have to challenge our beliefs that the agencies are here to protect us.  We would have to challenge our desire for the world to be as we think it is.  We would have to begin to research things for ourselves and take responsibility for our own knowledge.  In our unnaturally “busy” world there’s just no time for this.  Better leave to it the experts.   

The experts are very clearly failing us.  According to the CDC Website; chronic illness in our children is up from 12% to 54% since the 70’s, autism has gone from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 59 since the 70’s and adult chronic illness has skyrocketed, 60% of adults have 1 chronic illness and 40% have 2 or more.  I find this very unsettling and have done extensive research into the causal factors over many, many years.  One of the main causal factors is the gross negligence (and often outright fraud) of our public health agencies to actually look out for our health.   They cover up known issues, approve harmful drugs and other products and rotate seats between their Agency and high-level positions in the very industry’s their Agency is supposed to regulate.  Can you say Conflict of Interest.  Couple that with a population that believes in the proclamations of these agencies and you can quickly see why we are all sick. 

It is time for all of us to set aside our belief in what we want the world to be and see the world for what it is.  A potentially beautiful, but currently fatally flawed, place that can be filled with people living up to the meaning of “human being” but ONLY if we can see what is REALLY happening and take action to correct it.  The only way to know the truth is to stop believing in authority and start looking for yourself.  When we all move forward with self-responsibility and a commitment to finding the truth NO MATTER WHAT, then we can lay the foundation for a beautiful world full of vibrant, creative and healthy people. 

Blinder’s off everyone and get ready for a wild ride. 

This week’s recommended reading and viewing: 

How to End the Autism Epidemic, J.B. Handley 

Vaxxed: The Movie (no longer available to stream on Amazon due to censorship). 

Jacquie Figg