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Freedom and Ignorance By Suzanne Roberts

 “I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.”  - Harriet Tubman

Do we actually have Freedom in our lives?  While it may “appear” that we do, I do not believe it’s true.  All over the country I see evidence, right there in the newspapers for all to see, that we do not really have the freedoms we think we have.  Information about our lack of Freedoms is written about in books, discussed in podcasts and YouTube videos, discussed on Facebook and many other easily accessed sources.  It actually takes very little research to see that we are not “Free”, that we are “slaves” to the “masters” that run the systems.  Please do not interpret this comment as in any way negating the historical, physical slavery that is part of American and World History.  Overt slavery such as that is abhorrent and has no justification.  What I am referring to is the covert slavery we are all subject to right now.  Harriet Tubman is famously quoted as saying “I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.”  That is the sort of covert slavery to which I refer.  We don’t really recognize our slavery for what it is.  Now regardless of whether or not she actually quoted that (there is “controversy” on everything) it doesn’t change the meaning of the words.  Only when we recognize that we are slaves to the system can we begin to imagine what our Freedom might look like.  Only when we can see the system for what it really is, can we begin to imagine what true Freedom might be.  Only when we ACT to no longer support the systems promoting our slavery can we begin to BUILD our world of Freedom, the Freedom that has been brewing in our Imagination since we chose to shed our Ignorance.   Ignorance is Bliss if you wish to remain a Slave.  It’s a death knell if you wish to create Freedom.

Start looking around you for examples of where our supposed “freedom” is being repressed.  Did a peaceful protest get “shutdown” by the Police?  Is it now illegal to protest Oil Pipelines?  Did someone get “railroaded” in a court case (where did that term come from anyway) and unfairly convicted?  Did the police perform a SWAT team raid (middle of the night, breaking down the door, guns drawn) on a family of small children because someone in “authority” said the family didn’t follow that “authorities” rules (over a fever that went away)?  Sadly these are all true events.  If you start looking, you’ll likely start seeing what’s been going on since the start of this country (pretty much since the beginning of man, but that’s a bit harder to document).  Gross injustice is everywhere and We The People continue to let it happen.

Why do we let it happen?  Are we bad people? No, we have just become ignorant people.  Who knows the Constitution?  Who understands the Laws of the Universe (like gravity and do not encroach on one another)?  Who understands where my Free Will ends and yours begins?  These are the things that we should be learning.  Without an understanding of what our true, Creator given Rights are, we cannot see and identify a wrong.  Wrong is all around us, Rights are few and far between.

Freedom is not free.  It takes Action.  Not the action of the military, this is not a foreign threat.  We need to take Action against the domestic threats to our personal freedoms.  We need to say NO to injustice.  We need to EDUCATE ourselves about the injustice and understand WHY it is injustice.  We need to stop supporting the perpetrators of injustice by voting with our dollars.  Censorship is gross injustice and so I am taking Action by no longer supporting Amazon, a company that willfully chose to begin censoring messages they deem “dangerous.”  How can Amazon decide what is dangerous for me to read or listen to?  NO.  I will not support that.  This is just one example of the MANY actions I take daily to support my Freedom.

I just finished reading an astounding book, “Kicking The Dragon:  Confessions of a Tax Heretic,” by Larken Rose.  It’s a detailed, documented, inside view of how our Internal Revenue Service and Justice systems work (or don’t, depending on your definition of “work”). It’s an incredibly eye-opening read.  Unfortunately it is very difficult to get a copy.  Libraries don’t seem to carry it and when I just checked Amazon (yes I still use it for research) it was $103.  I was able to find one on (a great alternative to the big A). 

If you want Freedom you need to Act.  The first Act to take is to educate yourself.  To that end, I’m including links and references to several Books and Sites that I have found invaluable to my own personal education.  Remember our own ignorance makes us our own worst enemy.

Happy Learning


All Books written by Larken Rose

What On Earth Is Happening podcast by Mark Passio, (start with podcast 1).

The U.S. Constitution and works by Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and other of the Founding Fathers.  While these men were just as flawed and hypocritical as we are today, they did have an excellent grasp of how to protect their own personal freedoms from Government intrusion (if only that could have been extended to the overt slavery of the times).

Jacquie Figg